Monday, January 5, 2009

It's all about low expectations today

It's the first day back from a  long extended break and the motto for the week is "low expectations." When kids and teachers alike flow back into the halls of the school, not much can be expected. We're all rusty and slow from the weeks prior, filled with sleep, food, and not much else. Lackadaisical attitudes are what school is all about the first few days back and getting back into the grind is really difficult.

I awoke this morning, surprisingly perky, given that I had not woken this early in weeks. Surprised, but still moved, I found my way to school, even though the roads were icy -- I conquered the ice with teacher-like ease! It could only get worse from there. 

Low expectations of work output -- if a teacher's work output is 6 times less than normal, expect that the students will be at least 12 times less than normal.

Low expectations of attention -- you're not focused, you're thinking about when the day will end. Between parents forgetting ADD meds, students are right there with you. Worst of all? Santa (if they believe in him) hasn't left their minds and the hangover from the 1am stay up on New Years Eve.

Student: I totally stayed up until 1am ALL break. I'd totally be asleep right now, I swear.
Me: At 3pm?
Student: No 3am. Oh my goddd, it's 3pm during the day, isn't it?!

Low expectations of the understanding of life --

Student: Make your mommy make you be born after me. You're twelve, I don't want to be the youngest!!
Me: I'm not sure that's possible
Student: How? Her mom controls all her life!
Student 2: Haha.

Student: Did you stay at your mommy and daddy's house over break?
Me: Are you talking to me?
Student: Yes.
Student 2: She doesn't call her parents mommy and daddy.

Low expectations of appropriate sentences/school language --

Computer program: ...find the one that matches the numbers below
Student: I'll give you something that matches!
Me: HEY!
Student 2: Are you okay?
Student: it's too hot in here, open some windows! the windowssssss... to the WALL

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