Tuesday, November 11, 2008

You remind us of...

Between the inane comments of life in the classroom and actually teaching, is some form truth in what kids say. Everyday I am faced with a barrage of "YOU REMIND US OF..." or "WHAT IF..." that I have thought long and hard about my life. Oh boy.

Today, for the fifth class in a row, my "boys" decided to tell me that I, again, remind them of Ellen. you know, teach, the Ellen with short hair on the TV who dances and is funny. Only you don't dance and we aren't sure you're funny -- haha just kidding...

...I pass today, right?

But really, teach, your hair is what does it. I really think you should dance everyday in class. Maybe teach us exponents (pronounced ex-pawned-ants) while dancing.

My Interjection: Why do you think I should dance? Let alone, why do you think I possess the skills which make me capable to dance, and have you enjoy it?

{Thoughts}Crap. I lost them again with those big words and fancy speech.

No really, it's the hair.

{Thoughts}Glad we never leave our first point. First law of therapy (and life)... if it's important, it will come up again... unless you have ADD....


{Thoughts}What were we talking about again?

As much as I love Ellen, I'm not sure my teaching capabilities let alone personality can and should be compared to Ellen. I'm cheery and funny, sure, but my dancing abilities are lacking and so is my ability to go in front of millions of women and have them go crazy for me... especially when talking exponents. I'm sure Ellen could make exponents fun.

Teach, what would you do if you had a million ba-gillion trillion, thousand five-hundred sixty-five and a half dollars? Would you still teach? Buy a boat? Buy a ring? Go to Wal-Mart? BUY WAL-MART? WAL-MART IS FUN. No really, what would you do?

{Thoughts}Can't we use real numbers? And why must you ask me 5 million questions, half of which I will never remember, most of which are not related? ONE THOUGHT CHILD.

Well kids, if I had whatever number you just told me I would probably still teach, because I really like it and it's rewarding.

Teach, it's not rewarding with us, so you're lying.

{Thoughts} At least I taught them logic?

You wouldn't teach. You'd go buy a condo or something. Maybe a dog.

{Thoughts}A really expensive dog.............

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